Friday, May 11, 2012


Baby girl turned 1!!! (3 months ago).   She really likes going to the aquarium so we went for a Ocean Theme party.  Tom designed the the invitation decorated the octopus cake.

fish cake pops.  i got the idea here.  these were a disaster to make.  they took forever.  i had made more and it looked pretty good but i accidentally knocked it over and many broke.  it was very sad.
emma and amelia
soren, liv, anne-marie, and farmor
Her cousins Soren and Claire were more than to happy to help her open presents.

We made a little slide show and spent hours picking the "soundtrack." We barely had it ready in time and really it was only ready for the last 5 minutes of the party.  But it was still fun for me to go through all the photos.

Cake.  "Just...
a little...
Maybe a little...

Need a quick drink...


Top off with some fishies... and were good. 

This year has flown by.  I can't believe she is already 1 (now 15 months).   
Here are some of the funny things she does... 
  • She love's to play peek-a-boo and "Where's Emma?!"  She covers her eyes with your hands or any blanket or item of clothing
  • She puts both hands behind her head when she is really relaxing
  • She announces herself by clicking her tongue
  • When you ask her where her nose, bellybutton, or eyes are, she points to her sternum, however she just now started to accurately point to her head
  • She grabs her toes anytime she sees a pig for "This Little Piggy"
  • It's a bit annoying but cute... she loves to climb in and out of cupboards

    and my closet
    • She is definitely a daddy's girl
    • She loves baths
    • She loves turning pages in board books
    • She loves to put everything in and take everything out of baskets, buckets, and such 
    • Loves, loves, loves crackers and cookies
    • I think her first word is "hi" but she says it with a lot of tongue and it sounds more "hah."  She also just started to say "duck."
    • She is a bit of a dare devil.  She loves going up and down big kid slides.

    Baby girl we love you so much.