Friday, January 6, 2012


Carved by Tom
For Emma's first Halloween we went over to my brothers and Emma got to play with her darling duck cousin Claire.  Unfortunately she would not sit still for a good picture but you get the idea.

Thank you Shelia, Mike, and Sarah for Emma's first Halloween onesie.  She wore it all week!

Playing with Mormor's oxygen

Thank you Tanya and Erik for a fun Halloween!



So it has been quite awhile since my last post.  6 months actually.  That really isn't that long but it is actually half of Emma's life... so it does matter.  So I will do a little catch up...and I will start in October.

We were going to be out of town the week before Halloween and did not know if we were going to get a chance to dress up and go to a party so we decided to host our own.  Plus, I needed an excuse to dress Emma in her first Halloween costume. 

Slimer with her Ghostbuster father

We enjoyed a wonderful trip to New England at the end of October.  Our visit started with Granpa's annual Octoberfest party.

We were able to drive up the Maine coast to Acadia National Park with Granpa.  Emma was great and tolerated the 5 hour drive really well.  It was pretty much the last week before Bar Harbor closed for the winter, so we had it all to ourselves.  Here are a few of our favorite pictures.  We did make in time to seem good fall colors.

 Precipice Trail

Other favorite pics of Acadia National Park

Jordan Pond

Father and Son- Jordan Pond

Northeast Harbor

On our way out, we made our second attempt to get up to the top of Cadillac Mountain. At 1,532 feet it is the highest point on the North Atlantic seaboard and the first place to view the sunrise from October to March.   

A decent family picture on Sand Beach

Sand Beach

We also had a great time with Gramma.  She took us to the New England Aquarium and Emma loved it.  This was the first time we took the ferry into Boston, and I think the best way yet.

A few more pictures of the family...

Great Aunt Meggin and Emma
Nana and Emma
Sarah and Emma

Great-Grandma O'Rourke

Bath in Gramma's sink!   

Aunt Chrissy and Chase

Sorry this was a rush blog, and thanks for reading all of it if you made to the end.