Little Stink is 6 months old. I can't believe it. The last 2 months have flown by and she has changed so much. She is no longer the baby of the family. It is weird to think she was once as small as these two newbies. Both of which were born with more hair than our beautiful baldy.
Baby Amelia Marie Rich was born June 10th.
Vivian Moffat born June 16th.
In the last 2 months she has rolled over and can/will roll over the entire room if allowed. She definitely prefers her right side. She is also very chatty and loves to screeches like a pterodactyl. Wish I could figure out how to post video so you can all enjoy it.
We started giving her "solids" a few weeks ago and she has now tried rice, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, avocados, bananas, applesauce, and peas. It is so fun to see her explore new textures and teach herself how to eat. She is getting really good at it now.
She has also been swimming! She went with her cousins Claire, Soren, and Viv. She took it really well. Wasn't too excited but didn't mind it either. This picture paints her mood quite perfectly.